Berlin - January 27 - 30, 2010

A few years ago, a filmmaker made a documentary about, in part, my grandmother's experiences in the Holocaust.

Partially as a result of the film, Grandma Mania came to the attention of the German Holocaust Memorial Foundation.

She was invited to take part in commemorations regarding the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, which is commemorated as Holocaust Remembrance Day in Germany.

With the filmmaker.

We (Grandma Mania, Dad, Uncle Andy and I) were invited to the Bundestag for a special session of parliment.

Chancellor Merkel, and the rest of the German government attended.

Grandma with Uwe Neuemaerker, the head of the Holocaust Memorial.

Lots of press.

The President of the Bundestag (the second most powerful person in Germany and also the chairman of the board of the Holocaust Memorial Foundation).

In his remarks, he mentioned my Grandmother by name (he also mentioned Dad, Andy and me by name) and spoke of her experiences.

Shimon Peres also gave a very moving address.

Grandma being interviewed by German radio after the session.

After the session of parliment, I walked back to the hotel.

The first of many pictures of the Brandenburg Gate.

A remnant of the Berlin Wall.

Obama Burgers!

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