New Year's Eve 2003/2004

2003 ended quietly, with a few people at my apartment.

Herz was the first guest to arrive.

Dembrow and Sarah brought a cake. But Dembrow avoided the camera.

Carney and Nicole as the subjects of the "guess who's hair is shorter and blonder" game.

Rita won the game, and as a prize, got to talk to John as Nicole sipped her wine.

Abby and Yana. Headcases.

Beth brought a 1995 Perrier-Joulet and her suspicion that the rest of us were up to no good.

Midnight was ushered in with a shot.

Oh yeah. Its Bushmills.

Yana kept talking about showercaps and me not looking.

Russians. Hет, я не Pусскихй!

And the inevitable post-party crash. Kinda like sputnik. Or not.

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